


Visual Works

Written Works


Commissions are: OpenHiya! So, you wanna commission something I take it? Cool! Provided I'm open for them I'll have no problem getting that started for you. Before we begin though, let's go over some stuff...First and foremost, before we go any further, anything else beyond what's listed on my price lists we'll have to discuss in terms of pricing and for all commissions you pay half of the quoted price upfront. I will, however, NEVER create anything that is sexually abusive, bigoted or bias, nor will I utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the making of any of my works, so don't ask me to. Otherwise, please be patient with me and understand that whatever you commission from me takes as long as it is going to take, and that I will try very hard to get it to you in a timely manner if possible. I've got a myriad of mental stuffs that I deal with on a frequent basis and I sometimes can't work as expeditiously as I'd like to, or as you would like me to, and you need to understand that. If not, and I feel any commission is becoming toxic to my well-being, I will take a 10% of whatever you have commissioned up to $15 for my inconvenience, you will be refunded the rest, I will end the commission, and I will blacklist you from ever getting commissions from me again. At that point, feel free to rage and go through whatever channels you need to in order to do further damage me or my reputation, but you'll get no more out of me. If you're good to me though, I'll be good to you and I'll do whatever I can to make you satisfied with what you're getting because it's the kind of person I am.Finally, without further adieu, here are the messy details of getting a commission from me:Written Works
Basically, I need to know what you want ⏤ what genre it's in, how long it'll be length-wise, if you have any original or fandom characters you want included, if there are any triggering subjects you want me to avoid, etc. Any detail that you can include that you think might help me ascertain what you want out of this commission will help immensely.
As far as my prices go, here's the breakdown:

  • One-Liners (Names, Phrases, Taglines, etc.): $5 USD

  • Paragraphs: $10 USD per paragraph

  • Pages (Including Character Profiles): $25 USD per page

  • Extras (Poetic Verse, Stage Plays, Crazy Formatting, etc.): $20 USD per item + the cost of the One-Liner, Paragraph, or Page

Just to be clear though, I will will not do any scholarly works, including essays or theses, because I believe in educating yourself and doing so would just be handing you a grade or degree that you did not earn legitimately.Digital Artwork
For digital artwork, I just need a clear idea of what you have in your mind, including what type of artwork you want (freehand or vector), the color palette, and anything else you can think of. I'm open to iterating as much as is needed to get it right, so long as you've given me a clear picture and stick to that foundational concept.
Prices for digital artwork as as follows:

  • Head: $25 USD

  • Bust: $50 USD

  • Full-Body: $100 USD

  • Sketch: $15-$45 USD depending on if it is a Head, Bust, or Full-Body

  • Details: $20 USD + the cost of the Head, Bust, or Full-Body

  • Extras (Additional Characters, Objects, Scenery, etc.): $75 USD per item + the cost of the Head, Bust, or Full-Body

  • Vector (Logos, Patterns, Symbols, etc.): $25-$100 USD depending on what it is and the complexity

Keep in mind, however, that while I support and love NSFW artwork and artists, I am at this time not doing NSFW artwork because I have absolutely no experience in it. Similarly, aside from fan art, I won't do anything that's under copyright because that's not a ball of wax that I want to contend with.Websites
First and foremost, I need to know what you have in mind and what the website is going to be for, as well as any color palettes, fonts, and/or signage that you might want on there. Once I know that, I'll build a wireframe and we can go back and forth on the overall shape of the website, which will help me to finally build the comp where we can decide on the details. Once that's all done, I'll start on the website itself and once the foundation of it is completed we can go over it, confirm its what you want, and I'll finish it up.
Now, for website prices, here's what I'm thinking:

  • Wireframe: $25 USD

  • Comp: $25 USD + the cost of the Wireframe

  • Carrd (Premade): $15 USD

  • Carrd (Custom Built): $30 USD + the cost of the Wireframe and Comp (If needed)

  • Website Theme (Responsive w/Dark and Light Modes): $50 - $100 USD + the cost of the Wireframe and Comp

  • Full Website (Responsive w/Dark and Light Modes): $300 USD + the cost of the Wireframe and Comp

  • Simple Asset Creation: $5 USD per asset

  • Website Updating/Maintenance: $10 USD per request

Please note though that these are HTML and CSS websites only that I create and that I'm not a web developer, meaning I will never use anything beyond Javascript plugins and web applications in the making of them. I can write a little bit of JavaScript and PHP, and I have used ReactJS in the past, but my understanding of those languages and libraries is extremely limited, and I don't feel attempting to do something in those languages would add anything to the product I offer. Bear in mind as well that you will need hosting for any website outside of a Carrd design that I make and that Carrd designs required at least a Pro Lite subscription to make use of them. Furthermore, I will not do derivative works based on other websites or that mimic copyrighted websites, or user interfaces for that matter (unless I can make them legally distinct), because I don't want to deal with the headache of it all.


Hiya! I'm Hekate (h3k8e/h3k83) and I'm an artist with a lot of focuses, but I tend to really enjoy writing, doing digital art, and designing websites. While I have an English degree, I've been doing all of the above art forms for 20+ years as a hobbyist and I think what I lack in formal training in these focuses I make up for with hands on experience. Beyond that, truth be told, I just have a passion for artwork and the process of making it, having come back to doing it again and again throughout my life because I enjoy it. Now, in terms of what types of artwork I like doing and what my style is, I can say I tend to prefer darker themes and minimalism in my designs with some grunge on the edges ⏤ if that makes sense. I like the cleanliness of a minimalistic design because it speaks to my OCD lizard brain, but I also like to see those grungy, messy or loud parts intermixed with it to create an interesting blend between order and chaos. On that note, I'll fully admit that I feel my vector artwork and geometric design game is a lot stronger than my character or environmental designs, so websites, logos, user interface, etc. I tend to do better with. As far as writing goes, I'm into dark themes, new weird, horror, and science fiction as a blanket term, but I don't mind branching out too and writing something outside of my comfort zone either. As I see it art in general is its own reward and I'm always up for learning something new as well as innovating on my own styles when it comes to any of these focuses because there's always room for improvement.Anyway, I hope that gives you a little bit of an idea about who I am and what I do. Thanks for coming!-Hekate


Hi! Thanks for taking an interest in my work! I see you're thinking about contacting me, right? You can definitely do that and I'd love to hear from you, honestly, but I will say that I'm generally easier to get in touch with via Discord (my user name is h3k8e), if you'd rather do that instead. If not, please feel free to use the form below and I'll try to get in touch with you within 24-72 hours.Thanks so much again! Talk with ya real soon.